The Blog

Articles + videos to help you get inspired

How to Create Your “Signature Story”

About five years ago, I had a crazy thing happen to me on the set of the TV show Bones. I’d been an actress for years and yet I had this deep longing for more – more meaning, more impact, and more choices for my professional life than waiting for a director to shout, “Action”.

On that fateful day, I panicked, asking myself that dreaded question…. “What am I doing with my life?”.

That moment has become my “signature story” – one that I’ve shared on countless interviews, with private clients and during my latest product launch – Wishbeads.

It’s the story that explains how I went from actress to entrepreneur, hellbent on helping people become the star of their own lives – lit up, happy and doing work that matters to them.

Now, I bet you have a moment from the past where you decided to leap for the big ideas you’re pursuing now, but saying something like: “Yeah, I just decided to go for it one day…” with a shrug of the shoulders, as if you’ve always been super cool and ready… doesn’t pull people in. They want to know what happened. And if you’re online, in a blog post, interview, podcast, on a video, or in-person, it’s valuable to have some practice with this so you can engage people, effortlessly.

That’s right. It’s time to craft your signature story. In today’s video, I share how to get started writing yours today.

The extra bit of effort and practice will pay off, because the truth is, if you can tell your signature story and deliver it brilliantly every time – it will be easier to find your tribe online, in person and from the stage. I can’t wait to hear all about you!

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.


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