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Articles + videos to help you get inspired

Mister Rogers Remembered (Video)

It’s about time that Mr. Rogers became a YouTube sensation. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was a safe haven to discover and talk about childhood fears and questions. His messages of kindness and connection inspired so many young minds. He cherished make-believe and morality. He nurtured curiosity and inspired courage. He made a great television show because he understood that the medium of television could empower children, not merely entertain them. He dared to be different. I am indebted to him. Surely those words of wisdom he shared week after week helped me become the woman I am today. He may be gone, but he is certainly not forgotten.


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Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.


How Swimming at Dawn Helped Me Overcome My Fear

How Swimming at Dawn Helped Me Overcome My Fear

Well, 2020 was quite a year, but it wasn't all bad! One of the profound gifts I received was the invitation to join a small group of friends who began swimming in the ocean at dawn. Now, despite the fact that I've lived less than a mile from the beach for two decades,...

Awkward on Camera? How to Overcome Your Habits

Awkward on Camera? How to Overcome Your Habits

Years ago as an actress filming a shampoo commercial, the director yelled, “Cut!” and then he said to me: “Alexa, can you please stop licking your lips?” Embarrassed, I became suddenly super self-conscious of how I hold my mouth on camera. (And all I could think about...

The Benefits of Healthy Boundaries

The Benefits of Healthy Boundaries

Years ago, I worked with a freelancer who set the most perfect ground rules at the beginning of our relationship: Don’t call - instead, email me, I prefer email. If you email after this time, I won’t respond until that time. And we won’t discuss work on the weekends -...

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