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Articles + videos to help you get inspired

Meet Robert: Master of Selling to Strangers

Greetings! It’s been an exciting time with new projects… Perhaps by now you’ve tuned into my podcast. Maybe you’ve listened to my interview with John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire? If so, thanks. I hope you enjoyed them.

And now it’s time to unveil my latest endeavor. This next idea happened almost by chance when I was waiting around in the Baltimore airport this summer when our flight was delayed. As I was relaxing in one of the rocking chairs in the terminal, I couldn’t help but listen to a very persuasive salesman in the corridor encouraging passengers to sign up for a new credit card.

He was funny. He was engaging. He was connecting effortlessly with total strangers.

And that got me thinking… All this time I have been sharing my insights about confidence, communication and connection, but it’s high time I shared a different perspective. My teaching is based on the idea that EVERYONE has a light inside of them. This light is the source of creativity, abundance, freedom and joy. When you connect with it, not only do you feel happy and content, but you can by guided to do your best work, help others and make an impact in this world.

And here’s the big secret. You don’t have to be a superstar of the screen, a maven of the internet or the richest person in your neighborhood to shine all 1000 Watts of your brilliance. It’s not about that. It’s time for me to show you people who are lit up about life, shining in everyday situations.

I hope you enjoy my first episode with Robert.  After watching him in action, I just had know the secret to his success. Now you will too!

P.S. How about you? What lit up people do you have in your life? What inspires you about how they carry themselves in the world? Let us know in the comments below.

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.


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How Swimming at Dawn Helped Me Overcome My Fear

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